
historical costume projects & resources

What My World Looks Like Lately…

Or, many balls in the air!

So, in about 3 weeks, providing volcanos and other acts of nature cooperate, I’m going to England!  Woot!  A group of friends are renting a 16th c. house in the countryside, and playing dress up for three days straight.  Following that, it’s off to Cornwall, Dorset, and Devon to see historic houses and costume museums (Blaise Castle and Killerton) for me; seaside Victoriana, anything miniature, and steam strains for the husband.

So I’ve been sewing a lot in preparation, but jumping among projects, which is making posting seem hard!  The costume wardrobe plans are:  the Gothic Fitted/Pre-Raphaelite dress, Michael’s 1560s outfit, the green Venetian, and a 1770s polonaise (yet to chronicled).  I’m sewing madly to get everything finished in time, and then it’ll be on to figuring out how to pack it all!

The current state of the sewing room
The current state of the sewing room

5 thoughts on “What My World Looks Like Lately…

  1. Ooo, I love it all but that fabric for the medieval gown is sooo pretty! Keeping my fingers crossed Iceland cuts you all some slack.

  2. Really really hoping that ash cloud stops grounding everything.

    Crossing fingers that everything works out ok and I get to see all those scrummy cossies!

  3. I grew up near Killerton House…its really quite charming 🙂

    Make sure you have a Devonshire Cream Tea, and a Cornish Pasty when you are over in the South West of England.

  4. Wow, that’s awesome! I hope nature cooperates and you have a fabulous trip that you’ll share with pictures!

  5. The volcanic gods have treated you kindly I see. I just looked at your pics – yes, all of them! Thanks for the 45 minute tour of the South West, costume museums close-ups and just having fun in costume….just fab!

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