
historical costume projects & resources

Costume Con 26 Planning

So I’ve realized that while I am sewing madly, on two projects, for Costume Con 26, I’m not actually going to get to WEAR any of it (except for the secret masquerade project, but that’ll just be Sunday night). So I am grumpy about having nothing new and fabulous to wear, and have been joking with Sarah about things like “wear your most boring costume!” gatherings (which for me would be the Bet costume — if you see a gin-soaked pickpocket roaming around CC26, you’ll know why!).

I might wear my Florentine, if I can tweak the bodice fit in time, but even that feels like a “this old thing” to me as I’ve worn it a few times in the past year. Otherwise, I don’t know! Rewear something recent and fabulous like my purple striped 1871 dress? Something new-ish, relatively unworn, but boring like my Meg dress? Something I haven’t worn in forever like the 1909 afternoon dress? The MOST annoying thing is I won’t be able to wear anything 18th century, my current passion, because my stays will be on my dress form in the exhibit. Grump.

In other news, the CC26 people have added a Suggest a Program Item form (direct link doesn’t seem to be working, so go their homepage and click on Program & Exhibits > Suggest a Program Item) to their website, and I want to highly encourage attendees to both suggest programming (panels, lectures, workshops) they’d like to see, and especially to volunteer themselves to be on programming. The only way we’re going to get programming we like is if we all pitch in and do it ourselves! Costume Con seems very DIY to me, so get over your shyness and think about what you could share with others. I know I’d love to hear from so many of my online friends (I’m especially hoping someone could put something together on 16th century construction, as that’s something I know little about and would love to know more – hint hint!). So suggest and volunteer!

8 thoughts on “Costume Con 26 Planning

  1. Whatever we end up wearing will be new to the majority of people who will be seeing us in it. I’m totally for having a “this old thing?” party where we just glory in our lack of new frocks and wear the good stuff we’re known for.

    I refuse to feel bad about not having anything new and shiny to wear to Costume Con!

  2. What about that new Venetian/Italian gown you made? You could wear that. I didn’t get enough time to admire that when I was over last November.

    As for my gowns, I’ve given up on the 1912 but will have (even if I have to kill myself to get it finished in time) the 1588 gown (not sure if it will appear in the masquerade itself though, mainly due to the time and effort for the documentation) but it will be a hall costume at the very least.

    I then have my old green Venetian; last year’s Blue/Black 1584 gown and anything else I fancy bringing from my wardrobe. Any requests????

    As to panels – Sarahbellem mentioned something on those lines. Is that related to your large hint???? If so, is that still something that is interesting????? I’d be quite happy to help out on something like that.

  3. Wear your Florentine — *I* haven’t seen it, dammit!!!

    The only new thing I have is my 12th Night dress, tho’ I might wear it the beaded forepart bec. I loooooove that, & nobody really looked at me at Costume College in that anyway.

    Otherwise, um, I may wear my pirate gear. Lame, but easy! And I’m already so tired, I need that 🙂

  4. Hmm.. Maybe you could fine a way to spruce up an old costume or add too a newer one. If you can’t, I would wear the purple striped dress. It’s really gorgeous and relatively new.. Good luck!

  5. You know we are all in trouble when Kendra says she has nothing to wear! 😉


  6. the purple striped 1871 dress is the fav. from all the costumes you put on your website

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