So a few months back I posted about looking for more examples of 18th century ribbon embroidery. The AMAZING Suzi Clarke did me proud and told me,
I have two front pieces from a gown like the top one [my court dress inspiration image], which are embroidered with ribbons in different colours. They are ivory silk and are shaped. Do you want to e-mail me to discuss how I can share them with you? I also have some ribbons very like the originals.
Did I want to see them? DID I?
With Suzi’s permission, I am sharing the images she sent me with you all. They aren’t big images, but there are many and they are AMAZING. Clearly these are meant to be attached to a dress like the court dress I am making, or this dress at the Kyoto Costume Institute (which has painted panels, but it’s the same idea).
These are pretty fascinating. First, you’ve got the shaped panels. Next, the fact that the ribbon used is that “ombre” look that we tend to associate with the 18th century. Next, how the ribbon itself is used to couch other ribbons in places. The way a bit of silk embroidery floss is worked into the designs. Finally, the close ups of the back sides! I love seeing how they went ahead and moved from location to location without necessarily cutting and finishing the ribbon.

GASP! *grabby hands* Oh, now I want to start my court gown all over again, just so I can have the excuse to do something like this. Thank you so much to Suzi for sharing these with the herd.
Morning Kendra!
Spent some time with Jen and she said you were a fan of Outlander too? Here’s my big questions for you…
I looked at all of your Bum and Rumps sections again, and I have been trying to figure out what to do to replicate Terry Dresbach’s rump/hip rolls for Claire’s Rustics. I have seen her pin site and WP site, I have looked at her examples of the rolls they used, but was also looking for any early 18th c references in pictures.
Now Scotland may have been a bit behind Paris, their ally by about 20 years( or more), but the series is fantasy with historical elements. So I was wondering if you had been planning anything from Season one and any new hip roll experiments? Of course you will be very pleased with Season 2 frocks I daresay, and some photos are leaking out, which I am sure you have pinned.
Thanks for any insight and I hope maybe to bump pinto you at next year’s CoCo. After moving to Portland we are recovering a bit, so hopefully we shall catch up soon.