To commemorate 100 years since World War I, Maney Publishing has 100 research articles available for free for to read through the month of August. Here are the articles related to dress history:
- From the ‘union parfaite’ to the ‘union brisée’: The French Couture Industry and the midinettes during the Great War
Maude Bass-Krueger, Costume
- Cutting a New Pattern: Uniforms and Women’s Mobilization for War 1854–1919
Barton C Hacker and Margaret Vining, Textile History
- In Pursuit of Legitimacy: Home Economists and the Hoover Apron in World War I
Joan L Sullivan, Dress
- Dyes, Chemistry and Clothing: The Influence of World War I on Fabrics, Fashions and Silk
Jacqueline Field, Dress
- ‘The monotonousness of this grey uniform’. Design and Mass Production for a Neutral State: the Dutch Uniform 1912–1940
Mark van Hattem and Mariska Pool, Textile History
- Military Uniforms in the Southern Low Countries and in Belgium before 1915: Institutional History and Socio-Economic Approaches
Pierre Lierneux, Textile History
Hopefully this is of interest to somebody!
I downloaded the apron article and was disappointed that it did not contain a pattern!
Not that I would really want to fuss with detachable collar and cuffs that would have to be starched and ironed.