
historical costume projects & resources

1570s German Young Lady from De Heere’s Costume Book

The Concept

The ensemble of a German “demoiselle” from Lucas de Heere’s costume book:  kirtle, gown, partlet, and hat.

The dress itself looks very like a Fitted English Gown with contrast bands in the German style.  Was this a real style worn in Germany? Or is it an amalgam between English/Flemish/German styles?  I don’t know, but I think it’s pretty!

The Fabric & Trim

Kirtle in green linen.  Gown in blue wool and green velvet or wool.  Hat in black velvet.  Partlet in white linen.

The Pattern

Useful Links


Arnold, Janet. Patterns of Fashion: The Cut and Construction of Clothes for Men and Women, c. 1560-1620. New York: Drama Book, 1985.

Zander-Seidel, Jutta. Textiler Hausrat: Kleidung und Haustextilien in Nürnberg von 1500-1650.München: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1990.

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