
historical costume projects & resources

6 thoughts on “New Costume Blogs!

  1. I have two blogs on blospot since a long time, but I didn’t write much on it because I’m very busy those times: new flat, new life, etc.

    The one we write with philcostumes (French/English): http://autempledesmodes.blogspot.com/

    And mine:http://lisettelacousette.blogspot.com/ It’s a private access but I could add you if you want. Just send me the mail you use on blogger and I will send you an invitation to see my blog. It’s in French. Every body is welcome! 😉

  2. Hello,
    I would like you and your readers to know about something new that is coming. I am publishing an e-magazine on the Apple Newsstand called the Costumer I-Mag. Ideally, we will cover both pro and hobbyist level articles. In our first issue we cover the UNLV digital Showgirl collection, costuming The Importance of Being Earnest, some interesting 3D printed accessories and more.
    Until it is published I am posting some great articles on my face book page. Please go have a look and Like the page so you will know when the magazine has been published.

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