
historical costume projects & resources

Costume College Report & Pics

Right! Costume College! I went! I taught some classes! I went to parties! I dressed up! I didn’t sleep much! I kicked people out of my room at ungodly hours!

The longer report: the classes I taught went well — I ran out of time to do an actual GOOD styling job in the wig class, but it seemed like people were happy with getting the theory. Phew! I taught “Turkish Influence on 18th Century Fashion & the Zone Bodice,” “Draping the 18th c. Robe a la Francaise,” and “1770s Big Hair – How to Style a Wig into a ‘Pouf.'”

I only managed to sneak in a few classes: “Stays and the Body” was quite interesting, especially as I haven’t studied early 18th c. stays very much. Looking at the changes in silhouette and patterning was quite interesting. Sally Queen’s jacket lecture touched on some of the points I made in my 18th c. Turkish class, plus listening to her talk is ALWAYS great. And Trystan’s Macaroni class was fabulous — I love men in crazy late 18th c. costume! – even if I almost fell asleep at the end from lack of sleep.

The socializing was, as always, fabulous, altho everyone at my gala table was ready to fall asleep (too much fun the night before, plus the snoozerific music didn’t help — hello, it’s dinner at Versailles! Ever heard of playing 18th century music??), but once we got up and started dancing things improved. It was lots of fun to wear my Nell Gwyn costume, even if as soon as I put it on I had an overwhelming desire to be wearing jeans. Besides that costume, I really didn’t dress up (okay, wore the 1920s dress on Friday, but didn’t bother on Sat. & Sun.). Too tired!

All in all, it was fun if not 1000% fabulous… but that was mostly my burnout from Costume Con. However, as you can guess from my last post, shopping was great and I have tons of ideas for this year’s costumes!

And, most important – pictures!

2 thoughts on “Costume College Report & Pics

  1. Sorry about the snoozy dinner music. I got a report on why that happened today. The two djs each thought the other one was in charge of that part of the evening. That will be something we'll work on for next year.


  2. Well, as one the people in your "1770's Big Hair" class, I can tell you that it was great, even if we did run out of time. I think we all got the idea of what to do. I'll send you a picture when I finish my version.


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